Insect Keeping


**Setting up a cricket enclosure**

























Use a Rubbermaid container to hold the crickets in.
Cut the top lid of the Rubbermaid container and cut a square on the lid using a saw or a box cutter.
Place any type of screen over the the square opening. Hot glue gun around the edges of the screen.
  YOUR DONE! Just dump the crix in.
*To help crickets live longer, keep them in*

Temperatures around:

   75°F (24°C) - 95°F(35°C)



What to feed your crickets.

< Gut Load®  You can find it at almost any pet store. Gut Load® provides the nutrients that crickets would get in the wild. You could also use dried oatmeal temporarily until you get some gut load.

Crickets need moisture, to provide that you can cut up some raw potatoe(s) .




Mealworms, Superworms, Waxworms.

Keep them in a cool area as directed when bought. Before feeding them to your beardie(s), Let them defrost at room temperature for 15 minutes. Then when they are moving about, and defrosted, feed them Gut Load® (for nutrients). Then 3 hours later they should should be reading to feed to your beardie(s).


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